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Your next trip to Thailand could be a different experience. If you give up the American breakfast or the continental breakfast, that usually is offered with the room, and give traditional Thai breakfast a try.

Thai Breakfast

Traditional Thai breakfast that I am talking about here is a breakfast that you would usually buy from a local breakfast restaurant or street vendor. The typical breakfast includes Thai rice porridge or jauk, Thai deep-fried donuts or pa-tong-goh, hot soy drink or nam tao-hu and Thai mini pancakes or kha-nom krauk.

Thai Rice Porridge

Jauk is rice porridge made of broken rice. It's served with either minced pork cooked in pork stock or chicken meat cooked in chicken stock. The two parts of this dish, the rice porridge and the stock, are served together in a bowl.

There are many breakfast choices in Thailand
You have choices of other cooked ingredients that the vendor has prepared and keep separately such as soft boiled eggs, cooked chicken or pork liver and cooked internal organs of chicken or pig.

This dish is garnished with shredded ginger, finely chopped spring onion, Chinese parsley and deep fried garlic. Then it will be seasoned with soy sauce and ground pepper. Thais like to season the dish to better suit their taste buds by adding other condiments including sugar, vinegar with chili and ground dried chili.

Pa-tong-goh is Thai deep-fried donuts. It's a lot of fun to watch vendors preparing them. The ingredients are mainly wheat flour mixed with some water, salt, sugar and rising agent, including ammonia bicarbonate or soda bicarbonate, baking soda and yeast. The batter will be kneaded and left to rise for a total of 4 hours.

Try thai donuts for breakfast while in Thailand
To get the original fat X-shape, the pa-tong-goh maker will hand knead the dough into a long tube. Then it will be cut into small pieces. Two tiny pieces will be joined together in the middle to form the shape of a X.

After that they will be deep-fried until the color turns golden brown. Pa-tong-goh comes in a few more shapes such as round and twisted.

If you eat pa-tong-goh when it's fresh, you can bite into the crispy skin and the warm tender texture inside. Pa-tong-goh is the perfect treat to eat with nam tau-hu, traditional hot or hot tea, which is usually sold nearby.

Otherwise, Thais love to dip pa-tong-goh in sweetened condensed milk or Thai green or orange custard known as sang-khaya.

Hot Soy Drink

Nam tau-hu is a home-made hot soy drink. It's made from soaked, ground and boiled soybeans.

It's made from soy beans that are soaked for 2 hours and ground to get soy bean milk. Then the crude soy milk is boiled to remove the distinct smell of the fresh soy beans.

You can order it plain or sweetened. Sugar syrup will be added for sweetness. The vendor usually offers other condiments, which varies among boiled job tears beans, boiled kidney beans, soaked sweet basil seeds, boiled tapioca beads, shredded jelly and ground black sesame seeds.

Thai Mini Pancakes

Khanom khrauk or mini pancakes are common Thai breakfast items. Although this tiny Thai pancakes only are about 2 inches in diameter, they have a rich and savory taste. There are two parts to this pancake; top and bottom. The top part is made of coconut milk and sugar, while the bottom part is a mixture of ground fresh cooked rice and coconut milk.

Try Thai pancakes next time you eat breakfast
Many khanom khrauk vendors make it more exclusive by adding different vegetable toppings such as taro, corn, spring onion or pumpkin for unique flavor and taste. The vegetables will be cut into really small pieces and sprinkled on top of the pancakes when they're half cooked.

Khanom khrauk is cooked in a thick iron pan featuring many small holes. After the vendor has coated all the holes with oil mixed with butter, the coconut milk mixture will be poured into them. Once they've been cooked, the crust will be crispy and the meat tender.

In the past they were sold in small banana-leaf trays. Today, the natural trays have become more rare so most vendors have replaced them with paper or styrofoam tray. Khanom khrauk is eaten on its own or with hot , tea or soy milk. Thais with a sweet tooth, however, enjoy dipping Thai pancakes in sugar.

Where To Buy Traditional Thai Breakfast?

These Thai breakfast items taste better when they're fresh. You can find them early in the morning from around 5:30 - 7:30 am at most local markets where food vendors gather.

The pa-tong-goh vendor often sell nam tau-hu as well. Rice porridge can also be found in the same area.

Enjoy your traditional Thai breakfast at a table provided by the vendor. From there you can observe the classic scene of day break at a local Thai market. The full meal will cost you no more than a cup of freshly brewed coffee at Starbucks.

Suggested Reading:   Thai Sticky Rice   Deep Fried Bananas

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